Happy Valentine’s Day! It was only a matter of time before I fell down the Yumbox bento rabbit hole. The cuteness level of some of these bentos? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t get sucked in sooner (but obviously I have now). Most mums get bentos for their kids to encourage them to eat a wider Read More →

My peanut turned 18 months last week. And this one, this special brand of tough nut, took two needles for her immunisation and didn’t even flinch. It was literally like nothing happened at all. She was sitting on my lap facing away from me when she was injected, and there was silence. I thought it Read More →

Thursday is my favourite day of the week. Every day has its own merits – Mondays to Wednesdays I have no kids, sometimes I’m working, often I catch up with friends and eat ice cream. So by all means, they’re good days. Fridays I have both kids (read: hectic) but we also have our regular FriYAY playdate so Read More →

So this officially happened today. My teensy weensy little peanut turned one. Cliché cliché cliché when did she get so big where did the time go etc etc etc but really honestly you guys, WHEN DID SHE GET SO BIG? And where did the time go?? At 6.56am a year ago, my little eskimo appeared. And Read More →

Guess who’s nine months old today? ARGHHHHHH. Impossible! I was meant to start back at work today. I’d only intended to take nine months off but I’ve extended it one more month because you guys… look at her face! How can I not want to spend every day (albeit unpaid, I’m broke, I eat plain Read More →

No it hasn’t been six months. It can’t have been six months yet! Can it? REALLY?! God, time is flying. My peanut is no longer a peanut, she’s six months old today and turning into her own little person. She has a personality, she has likes and dislikes, she communicates (in her own way). She’s Read More →

My peanut is three months old today! Can you believe it? I don’t believe it and I’m also completely amazed that I’ve now squeezed in not one but two blog posts in three months. Remember with Sam? When I could hardly muster the energy to write a post after six whole months? Yeah, that. Things Read More →