It’s Monday and I am officially back in London. “Officially” because “unofficially” I arrived about this time yesterday but was so exhausted and having been away two months (but mainly because my brain was mush from exhaustion), everything felt surreal and I didn’t feel as though I was really back. But today is Monday, a Read More →

Sometimes we have to be grateful for the big things in life. Like winning a holiday. Sometimes we have to be grateful for the small things in life. Like being able to see, smell, touch, talk… just being. Sometimes, we have to be grateful for the things we often aren’t grateful for. Like our parents. Read More →

Can I just say I’m loving this little burst of summer that London has put on over the last few days? It has made coming back to London that much more pleasant and all I want is for this to go on until… forever! But I’ll take it if it lasts until September. I’ve kicked Read More →

There were a couple of weeks in March when I was recovering from surgery but hadn’t started working yet that I would comfortably label The Most Boring Weeks Of My Life. It’s amazing how empty my days seemed when I was home 24 x 7; I devoured the crappiest books off my parents’ bookshelf, I Read More →

There’s always that one dish that you request when you go home to see your parents. One favourite dish that you crave but can’t seem to recreate. For me it’s my mum’s fish curry with okra (and sometimes eggplant, but unfortunately not this time). This was tonight’s dinner! I LOVE IT. ps. I just noticed Read More →

I want to let you in on a little fact. It’ll either make you love this banana cake recipe, or well, make you not love it but here it is: this recipe contains condensed milk. And because I could more than happily sustain life by injecting condensed milk directly into my blood stream, this fact Read More →

It was Thanksgiving in America yesterday. Being not an American person, I have pretty much zero knowledge about the history of Thanksgiving, but I love the idea that no matter how it started, it has evolved into a day of family, food and well, giving thanks. Though I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving (I wouldn’t say no Read More →

A couple of weeks ago, we went to that Finnish pop-up restaurant, Hel Yes, and it inspired me to throw a Finnish meal together. It wasn’t like I was going to spear a reindeer and forage for lingonberries, but try my very darn-est I did. I browsed through my Moomins Cookbook (because every novice Finn cook must Read More →

I can tell you now, Groupon is going to be the end of me. What’s Groupon you ask? Really? Where have you been? Groupon is a new(ish) sales concept, probably made up by some crazy old dude sitting in his basement, swigging a bottle of ‘Beam and smoking some pack of yellowed cigarettes he stashed Read More →