chicken, mushroom & leek pie, and ugg boots!

I’m gonna come clean up front and admit that this is a completely blagged post. Blagged items, if you don’t know, are things that we bloggers are sent from PR folk to eat and cook and test, and provide our supposedly much sought after opinion. My opinion in particular has the influence of a peanut, so I don’t know why they send me stuff, but hey, this week I got ugg boots (!!!) so I am not complaining.

In light of the fact that dusting off my old ugg boots indicate the onset of winter, new ugg boots indicate that it’s winter now! NOW! Wear them NOW! and like seriously, the power of the mind, I have convinced myself (and everyone else) it’s winter. So much so that Abel & Cole also think it’s winter, and have sent me a delicious chicken, mushroom and leek pie to warm my little belly.

Hi. My name is catty and I’m a blagger.

But honestly, Lord knows I’d never turn down a pie, and really, who would say no to ugg boots? I love ugg boots, but! I would never. EVER. wear them in public. And don’t be mistaken, it’s not because I have style or anything crazy like that, I mean god I own a pair of croc boots. Shoot me now.

No really, I don’t wear uggs in public because it’s simple: unless you have outdoor uggs, they are indoor shoes, people. It’s that simple. There is nothing worse than seeing a pair of over-worn, sloppy, wet, out of shape ugg boots… and ok I’ve probably just offended a million outdoor-ugg-wearers so… kthxbai! :)

Emu ugg boots

Anyway, the lovely people at Fitness Footwear sent me these Emu uggs last week and I have been trodding around the house in them all week. Granted they are not as C-U-T-E as my little purple Peter Alexander pair (which I paid for with my own hard earned cash), the Emu uggs have pulled on my heart strings and wiggled their way into my favourites pile.

Lined with 100% Australian merino wool, the Emu uggs were not as soft to touch as my the Peter Alexanders (100% Australian sheepskin) but a week’s wearing and these babies have moulded so perfectly to my foot that it fits like… a glove’s glove. Yeh. Each toe has its own little nook and the comfort factor is through the roof. While I still adore my Peter Alexanders, this winter is gonna see a whole new me, spending hours trying to decide which uggs go with which pyjamas

chicken, mushroom & leek pie

So whilst bustling about the kitchen in my uggs, I prepared the easiest dinner of all time: pie and roast vegetables (I say easy because don’t be stupid, I don’t make my own pies). I love roast vegies because they are so simple to cook (if dousing something in herbs and olive oil constitute cooking) and pies, especially chicken pies, always make me giggle like a mad child because omg, doesn’t it remind you of Chicken Run? LOL!!

“But I don’t want to be a pie!”

Hahahaha… OMG I kill myself.

Anyway, uggs – love ’em. pies – love ’em. And believe me when I say I’m not just being nice cos the items were blagged. Everyone loves pies, and everyone, well not everyone, but I love uggs.

Happy me.

Roast vegetables (I know, it’s easy but…)
sweet potatoes
cloves of garlic
(really, you can use whatever you like!)
Mixed herbs
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 170°C (340°F).
  2. Chops vegetables into chunks.
  3. Generously drizzle vegetables with olive oil and season with herbs, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Bake for 45 minutes stirring every 15 minutes. You can add the courgettes half way through if you don’t want them too soft.
  5. Remove from oven and serve with a tasty pie or roast!
Serves… however many you like.

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