I’ve been freelance writing for a while now and one of (if not THE) tenets of writing of any kind is to pick a topic and just stay with it. Don’t go off on a tangent, don’t get distracted, just stick with one idea. Well, we all know how bad I am with that. When I started thinking about this blog post, a million ideas popped into my head and, after careful consideration, I narrowed it down to three:

  1. I’ve been trying to come up with healthier dessert options – BORING.
  2. He came over with a bag of pumpkins – UH WHAT?
  3. So, there was this guy with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen…  – OH YES, I think we’ve found our topic.

Ok, SO. There was this guy with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. I somehow stumbled upon his Instagram account one day, and checked out his Insta-stories (because trends evolve at the speed of fucking light these days and suddenly Insta-stories have overtaken actual Instagram in terms of engagement? – not a real stat, just how I feel because #expert. LOL #notreally). This guy is half Persian, half Malaysian (represent!) and has these ridiculous eyes that look like he’s wearing crazy bright blue, dark rimmed contacts, only he’s not.

Being the proper groupie that I am, I sent him a message, but only after scouring all his videos and staring at his crazy amazing eyes. I asked him if they were his real eye colour (yeah, I actually did because I don’t know what dignity means). And he replied and said yes they are, and that’s just like game over for me. Bought his cookbook right then and there (not sure I even knew what it was about yet) to boost my groupie status.

Anyway, as it turns out, the guy not only has gorgeous eyes, he also has the best philosophy: that desserts and sweets should be a daily staple. I know right, does a more perfect human being exist? But he also wants to avoid clogged arteries and so his entire website and book is dedicated to healthy desserts. Sounds like an oxymoron but it definitely isn’t.

Case in point, these healthy, flourless, dairy-free, egg-free VEGAN brownies. Four ingredients for the brownie and two for the frosting – and so easy I literally made these brownies while my stupid PC was doing a Windows update (not that that’s a selling point, because the updates take forever). But I am thrilled with how these have turned out – honestly, forget you’ve read this blog post and you wouldn’t even know they were anything but regular brownies!

Anyway, my recipe below, his original one here.

Super easy healthy fudge brownies
2 cups mashed sweet potato or pumpkin (I used pumpkin because a day earlier, my father-in-law did come over with a huge bag of pumpkins)
1 cup almond butter
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup raw cane sugar (this isn’t in the recipe but the uncooked batter tasted a little bitter to me so I added this, may not need it if you use sweet potato)
2 cups dairy-free dark choc chips
1 cup coconut milk
  1. Pre-heat oven to 175°C/350°F. Line or grease a small baking tray.
  2. In a large microwave-safe mixing bowl, melt your almond butter slightly. Add pumpkin, cocoa powder and sugar (if using). Mix well and pour into baking tray.
  3. Bake for 20-25 minutes – once done remove and let sit – it’ll appear uncooked but the resting time will help the brownies set. Let cool before adding frosting.
  4. To make the frosting, add the chocolate chips and coconut milk to a microwave safe bowl and heat slowly until the choc chips just dissolve. Then whisk for around 5 minutes until the consistency is thick enough to spread.
  5. Spread over the brownie and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Best served straight from the fridge (or it’s freezer friendly too apparently!)
Makes 12-16 squares, depending on how greedy you are.

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