casual outfits

Don’t adjust your screens, this post is preeeeeetty much all grey and white.

So. My last outfit post was all about being bored of my basics and wanting to up the ante on my daily outfits. I’ve been doing pretty well I think, but suddenly all my outfits are grey, white and denim again. WTF? But wait! It’s not all bad. It didn’t seem economical to ignore all my basics (which let’s be honest, is 98% of my wardrobe), so I thought I’d work on styling them up instead.

All of these outfits I’d wear every day, for mumming, for groceries, for park dates. They’re comfy but I think they still look pretty good. What do you think?

sass basic, fox and scout

Here’s a very basic outfit that I’d easily wear every day – a white SASS top I’ve had for a while and my trusty denim shorts. But instead of just throwing on a pair of sneakers, I’m wearing Wittner wedged booties, and my favourite T by Alexander Wang scarf.

witchery grey knit, mavi jeans

I love this outfit, and believe it or not, my hubby bought it all for me. I know, crazy right? He’s totally more stylish than I am. Super comfy Mavi boyfriend jeans, amazing Elia Maurizi boots (like amazing) and this Witchery knit that’s so soft I’d actually sleep in it. All to go with a basic old Witchery white t-shirt that I’ve had for years.

Zara grey knit

Another everyday outfit – Zara grey knit and yes, the same denim shorts (I do wash them, I promise!), but I’m learning to style with accessories – here with my Status Anxiety Ascendants black fur bag (LOVE) and Melissa Barroca Campana sandals.

witchery knit, status anxiety bag

I like this top because it’s kind of like a t-shirt except it’s not! Witchery knit worn over a black singlet, and my Status Anxiety Plunder bag that literally goes with everything!

Dotti embroidered tattoo t-shirt

Last outfit is a t-shirt I literally picked up last week because apparently I can’t not buy grey. This Dotti embroidered tattoo t-shirt is the cutest!

So you see, I wasn’t kidding when I said that my wardrobe pretty much consisted of tops in varying shades of grey. But I’m trying to jazz up what I already have, or what I’m comfortable with. The main reason I wear what I wear is because I’m comfortable in it, so it makes sense not to veer too far from that. I should still try and work more colour into my outfits though. I mean, this is the real 50 shades of grey! Sorry it’s not quite as scandalous though!

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