I’ve been contemplating my blog lately. Not contemplating it in the sense of what should I blog but – and I can’t really believe I’m saying blogging this out loud – should I be blogging at all? I know, this crazy inkling of an idea planted itself in my head and it’s been all but consuming my bloggery thoughts, believe it or not, for the past several months.

I feel like I’m busy. Busy with all the things that I can’t put my finger on, but the evidence is in my posts, which have waned in the past year. Maybe it’s being back in Oz, and not having as many places to blog about. Maybe it’s my job old age, which keeps me from going out as often. Maybe, it’s just me.

Maybe it’s not that I should stop blogging… because aside from contorting myself into a pretzel at yoga, this is the best outlet I have for stress relief. Maybe I just need to… I don’t know what.

So many maybes! I think I shall just keep on contemplating.

In the meantime, I hope all you celebrated Chinese New Year with much deliciousness! Panu and I stayed in for a low key celebration, making our own little yee sang to toss about. Don’t worry if you missed out on celebrating on the weekend – the goodness of Chinese New Year goes on for two whole weeks, so you have plenty of time to get some good suckling pig into that belly!

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