I had to go to the post office today. I work from home and yet Every. Single. Time. we receive a parcel, it comes in the form of a “sorry we missed you” card and “oh hey, please now go out of your own way to pick it up from the post office”. Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the postman didn’t even try buzz me?

I think… definitely.

I was so unimpressed with Australia Post’s service today that if it had not been for the fact that I had to go to the post office; and so I had to walk past some dodgy sushi shop on the way back; and so I don’t even know why but I popped in to see what they had on offer; and I bought a pack of seaweed; and I decided to mix it with my quinoa today; and holy shit it TASTED SO GOOD!

If it had not been for all that, I would be really pissed at Australia Post.

So lucky them, they’ve escaped unscathed today.

Oh wait, except for the fact that they actually gave me someone else’s parcel and it was only because I checked the name (not mine) and address (also not mine) that I didn’t go home and rip open someone else’s parcel. Not good going, Oz Post!

Anyway, vented…

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