The time is 7.54pm eastern standard time. I arrived in New York City literally less than 3 hours ago and what’s the first thing I eat? KyoChon Fried Chicken, baby! Maybe it’s destiny because by complete randomness, I’ve landed my butt in a hotel in Manhattan’s Koreatown. Maybe secretly – or maybe the Koreans know something I don’t – but just maybe, I am Korean afterall.
But whatever. I arrive, unpack, skype quickly with Panu and because it’s midnight back in London, my stomach is raging war against itself in retaliation to its master attempting to heinously starve it, because what the heck else could she be doing not eating dinner until midnight? I mean, really, if you can rely on her to do anything, it’s to feed her stomach.
Wow, travelling across timezones has caused me to lose my sense of first person.
Anyway, I stumble out of my hotel with hopes of getting something warm in my stomach. A bibimbap maybe. Or jjigae. Or bulgolgi on rice. Whatever K-town has to offer. But not 10 meters to my right and what do I see?
I first discovered KyoChon on my first visit to LA, and then by no coincidence at all, re-discovered it again on my second visit. I can’t even begin to describe how much I adore KyoChon fried chicken. The thin batter, crispy skin and delicious marinades. Honestly, there is nothing not to like. I wanted to indulge and go crazy, but I also knew I’d feel sick as a dog if I ate a butt load and went to bed, so showing all the constraint my little body muster, I ordered myself a snack:
Two pieces of honey soy drumsticks…
… and some pickled radish. OMG how I LOVE that they have pre-packaged teeny tiny cubes of pickled radish!
Needless to say this will not be my only visit to KyoChon on this trip. In fact, let’s see just how many times I can go in 12 days
319 5th Avenue
Midtown, NY, 10016
On a different note, I flew in on Virgin Atlantic today. When work was booking this trip for me, they gave me options to choose from British Airways, American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic. Without so much as a blink of an eye, I chose the Virgin flights. You wanna know why? Because, they serve Gü desserts. SIMPLE.
With our in-flight lunch, we all received a little Gü mini pud…
… followed by an ice cream bar, which ok fine it wasn’t Gü, but hey, still!
And at some point while watching episodes of Glee, they gave us Gü brownies. I mean really, Glee and Gü? Virgin Atlantic FTW!
Ok time check: 8.25pm EST. I also bought a new book today, so am off to bed to read and crash. Work here starts tomorrow, and my priority right after work? Go get my 10% off tourist card at Macy’s!