Today is our four year anniversary. For you long-timers out there I know this is like nothing, but for me, it’s a dead set record.

We’ve had some amazing times over the past four years and I was trawling through old photos trying to find one good one to share. It’s kind of difficult when there are five billion awesome ones (who? who’s exaggerating?) but I eventually settled on one.

This photo was taken in the Australian summer back in 2006. We’d just gotten together (see all smiley and whatever and I had red streaks in my hair!) and we were doing the “Coogee to Bondi” walk, a six kilometer walk along the water and cliffs of Sydney’s eastern beaches.

About a month after that, he told me he wanted to move to the UK and I almost dumped his ass.


I didn’t. And I came to London with him… and look where we are now :)

Anyway, that’s one of my very most favourite photos of Panu and I… I don’t even know exactly why but it’s just me and him and Sydney and summer and the beach and… what more could I ask for?

ps. you guys can stop puking now.

pps. Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates! x

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