I’m actually struggling to begin this blog post because I just don’t seem to have the skillz to communicate how really really really really ridiculously great (I think I write good, like Zoolander) dinner at The Ledbury was without sounding like a  total ‘tard. I mean, how many ways can you say something is bloody amazing? Read More →

Pierre Hermé at Selfridges finally unveils their new matcha and black pepper macaron. I went to Selfridges last week to buy something serious and came out with a box of these babies. Not that buying macarons isn’t serious bizness.

I can tell you now, Groupon is going to be the end of me. What’s Groupon you ask? Really? Where have you been? Groupon is a new(ish) sales concept, probably made up by some crazy old dude sitting in his basement, swigging a bottle of ‘Beam and smoking some pack of yellowed cigarettes he stashed Read More →

Gift-aways! We all like us a little gift-away, don’t we? And it will come, I promise. But first I have a bone to pick about Christmas. I mean, there’s something to be said about Christmas, isn’t there? Well, that is aside from the fact that… is it weird that shops are pushing out their Christmas Read More →