As this post goes to air (thank you Mr. Scheduler), I am sunning myself on the most gorgeous caldera in the world ~ Santorini. I’m probably having the time of my life, but this time last week I was most definitely not having the time of my life.
In the interest of not boring you to smitherines and oh, that little rule about “not talking about my work on my blog”, well, I’m just not going to talk about my work on my blog. But needless to say, last Thursday was one of those days that I would have liked to have just taken and shoved up the nether regions of Jabba the Hutt’s ASS, never to be seen or heard from again for all of glorious eternity.
It was a crucifyingly stressful day, and at 5pm I slinked out of the office in one long exasperated sigh, ready to… I don’t know what, go home and cry? Actually no, at that point I hadn’t wanted to cry yet, but trying to order a matcha soft serve at Wasabi at 5.30pm and being told they shut the machine down at 3pm really did make me want to cry.
And then going to Tesco to buy supplies for brownies and finding out they’re shut for renovations; that also made me want to cry.
I was in such a state that on Friday, I decided that I had hard-earned my goddamn right to have whatever the fluck I wanted for lunch, and so it was with great wisdom and responsibility that I decided my lunch was going to be a serve of avocado & honey sorbet from Gelupo.
Why not, right?
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