You know how you never really ever win anything? Well, maybe you do, but I don’t. I enter a butt load of competitions but y’know, I forget that I’ve entered as soon as I’ve clicked ok and there it goes, into the nethersphere that is my history of competition entries.

But yesterday. YESTERDAY I FINALLY WON SOMETHING. I won me a trip to Egypt.

For frickin’ realz.

I never won anything so awesome before so I don’t know if this is the natural reaction but I was so excited that I was nauseous and could barely enjoy my tacos at Benito’s Hat.

How on earth did this all happen?

So, many many moons ago (or 17 June 2010 to be precise), I entered a Qype’son the beach” competition to write a review for my favourite beach. My favourite beach in the whole wide world is Clovelly Beach, a tiny, little-known cove on Sydney’s coast line. It’s not sexy, it’s not cool, and you definitely don’t go there to perv, but it’s my favourite and that’s what matters.

After I submitted the review I totally forgot about it until yesterday when I was told that I was one of three finalists in this competition. Like proper OH MY GOD. We each get a mini beach holiday to the value of £750. We have to go (yes, have to, life’s tough) and come back and review the absolute shizzle out of our trip on Qype and then an overall winner is crowned… and the main prize is £2000 to spend on any beach holiday, anywhere.

image courtesy of

I should be like frothing at the mouth totally wanting to win the grand prize right? But right now I am so excited about being a finalist and winning a trip to Egypt’s beaches that I’m not even thinking about the main prize!

But seriously though, when I get back and review my trip, I’m gonna need your help.

I need all you guys, all of you wonderful blueberries in the tart that is my life, to help me and vote for me and then vote again and then get everyone you know to vote! And if I do win the main prize, imma do summink special for my blog and twitter followers. I don’t know what yet, but I promise I will.

But anyway for now I’m desperately choosing dates for this trip because I need to go in the next three weeks!!


I swear I’m gonna wet my pants.

Oh and the Benito’s Hat tacos? I totally cannot remember what they tasted like but the queue to that damn place is ridiculously long so I’d say it’s a winner.

ps. you can tell I was distracted by the absolute rubbish photo I took of the tacos.

pps. impromptu beach holidays rock!

ppps. thank you Qype and On The Beach!

Benito’s Hat
56 Goodge Street
Fitzrovia, W1T 4NB
0207 637 3732

Benito's Hat on Urbanspoon

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