What is a mooli indeed? This is the question that’s been on everyone’s lips. Well, here, you can have the answer… So a mooli is not a giant Asian radish, as some of you may have thought (well, you weren’t wrong, but um, you’re wrong) but instead Mooli’s is a new concept of modernised Indian food Read More →

Cassava fries at Canela Carnaby Street, because somehow eating fries that aren’t “potato” always seems so much healthier. Pão de queijo or Brazilian cheese bread, in plain or chorizo. I liked the plain version for its stupendously smooth texture, although bite sized chorizo bits do make my belly smile. Coxinha, a cone of mashed chicken Read More →

So last year I went along to this event called the Food Blogger Connect. I had no idea what to expect really, except that it was held at a groovy Lebanese restaurant, but wow, what an event! Food, food, bloggers, food, cameras, food! I mean really, is there anything else to life?! I’m not sure, Read More →

It’s been a completely funk-ti-fied week this week. And definitely not the groovy kind of funk. I’ve been feeling really cranky and irritable and I’m not really sure why considering it was pay week and pay week means food fundage, which always puts a smile on my face. No. It’s not PMS *glare* Maybe it’s Read More →

I have to admit, if there’s one thing I’m not snobby about, it’s pizza. My very most favourite and the one and only pizza that bedazzles my taste buds is still Domino’s BBQ Chicken & Bacon, and that’s the Australian Domino’s, because the London version just isn’t the same. Since we’ve been in London, Panu Read More →