
I didn’t just want to be a chocolate brownie. I didn’t want to be plain. I didn’t want to be ordinary.

I wanted to be Optimus Prime. The biggest, baddest goodest, most awesomeness Transformer ever. You can’t be plain and be Optimus Prime.

So I wasn’t just chocolate. I was nutty. And I was chocolate frosted. Chocolate nutty brownie overload. That was me.

more brownie!

Ok, so that wasn’t me talking above there, as in that wasn’t me ~ catty. That there was my brownie talking, and no I don’t have a multiple personality disorder. I mean, who the hell talks as if they’re a brownie?!

Yeah. Only cra-zee people.

Anyway, my brownie might have wished he was Optimus Prime but honestly? I’m a Bumble Bee kinda girl. Simple and sweet.

image courtesy of the interwebs

image courtesy of the interwebs

I was sort of excited plastering the frosting on the slab of brownie but truth be told, I thought the frosting overpowered the deliciousness of a plain nutty brownie and shhhh… I ended up scraping the icing off.

But if you’re still keen to give it a shot because oh I don’t know “your brownie” wants to be “Optimus Prime” (who the f*** comes up with this shit?), then here’s the recipe:

Frosted choc nut brownie
200 grams dark chocolate, roughly chopped
175 grams unsalted butter
325 grams caster sugar (I know, that’s a lot)
130 grams plain flour
50 grams chopped mixed nuts
3 eggs
200 grams icing sugar
75 grams unsalted butter, at room temperature
30 grams cocoa powder
150 grams cream cheese, cold
a 33 x 23 x 5cm baking tray lined with greaseproof paper
  1. Preheat oven to 170°C/325°F (Gas 3).
  2. Put the chocolate and butter in a heat proof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (do not let the base of the bowl touch the water). Leave until melted and smooth.
  3. Remove from heat. Add the sugar and stir until well incorporated. Add the flour and stir until well incorporated. Stir in the eggs and mix until thick and smooth. Finally add the chopped mixed nuts and mix.
  4. Spoon the mixture into the prepared baking tray and bake in preheated oven for about 30-35 minutes, or until flaky on the top but still soft in the centre. Be careful not to overcook otherwise the edges will become hard and crunchy. Leave to cool completely before frosting.
  5. For the frosting, beat together the icing sugar, butter and cocoa powder in a medium slow speed until the mixture comes together and is well mixed.
  6. Add the cream cheese in one go and beat until it is completely incorporated. Turn the mixer up to medium high speed.
  7. Continue beating until the frosting is light and fluffy, at least 5 minutes, but do not overbeat as it can become runny.
Makes about 12 portions

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