Don’t ever leave me bored at home because dear god, look what happens.

I went and recorded a video of me. Me. Talking crap.

All hail Windows Movie Maker! Really, a tool with that amount of power should not be unleashed on people like me. Seriously.

But… too late.

Oh hi everyone I really do sound like a flaky-wimp-loser-bimbo and ever so slightly confused, don’t you think?

Anyway, I had a surprisingly amount of fun “recording” this video and “making” it. That was after I spent hours trying to figure out how to compress a 57MB beast into a little 5MB puppy. All along, I had Windows Movie Maker sitting right here in my laptop. Loser.

In fact, I had so much fun that dare I say I might do more video blogging in the future.

Brace yourselves!

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