So here’s a nice short post, with one resounding message: Simple always wins in the end.
A friend of mine hosted a Fourth of July BBQ on Saturday, which for us was really just an excuse to fire up the barbie, because we live in England and well, we’re Australian. The closest I’ve ever come to feeling patriotic for the Fourth of July was during Bill Pullman’s speech in Independence Day. In that moment, I truly felt American.
Anyway, I volunteered to bring a salad, or something to do with not-meat, and spent two hours on Saturday morning slaving over the creation of 48 (forty-frickin’-eight!) angelled eggs. I have to say, they were pretty darn cute all lined up like a little army of delicious eggy soldiers.
Once done, I thought heck, I might also just throw together some asparagus wrapped in prosciutto for kicks, cos they’re yummy and easy. So I blanched some asparagus tips and wrapped about 50 of them in prosciutto, which took me oh, maybe 10 minutes.
At the BBQ, the asparagus wrapped in prosciutto were a total hit. Not to say the angelled eggs weren’t, but budding economists would agree that the effort and output of the production of these two dishes were completely disproportionate. Asparagus wins all the way, baby.
Now, even though this is a Recipe post, I’m not going to insult you by spelling out the steps to make asparagus wrapped in prosciutto cos it’s just too easy. Blanch the asparagus tips (boil water, dunk the asparagus for no more than two minutes, drain, cool) and wrap them in prosciutto. Presto!
Note: there are various other recipes out there that call for baking the prosciutto wrapped asparagus, but I prefer the natural (slightly blanched) flavours.
This post has been featured on Tastespotting.