London has been experiencing an unusual bout of summer lately with temperatures reaching well into the high twenties, and public annoucement systems advising the townsfolk to keep hydrated amidst this “heat wave”. Coming from the sunbaked shores of Australia, I can attest that this most certainly is not a heat wave. But it is warm, and it does provide an excuse for me to visit Itsu for its delightful frozen yoghurt three days in a row this week.
At 180 calories a pop, the Strawberry Sun* (100% fat free frozen yoghurt topped with fresh strawberries) is vanilla ice cream’s lighter, thinner and definitely more attractive cousin. The frozen yoghurt tang makes me feel almost healthy devouring this snack, a feeling I don’t think I’ve ever experienced while shoveling 100% clotted cream ice cream into my foodhole.
And really, with all that fruit on top, what’s to feel guilty about?
* Variations include Blue Velvet (blueberries), Blue Moon Breakfast (blueberries and granola, for a fabulously chilled breakfast snack), Coffee Stromboli (a shot of espresso to up the wired factor) or the family’s indulgent sibling, the Chocolate Dream (topped with Belgian chocolate sauce).
** But I always choose Strawberry Sun, because there is nothing better and chilled pieces of fresh strawberry, no?